What's In My Hospital Bag?!

Monday, July 25, 2016

I cannot believe that I am already packing my hospital bag for the second time! Packing for my first hospital stay was overwhelming, to say the least. I had no idea what I was doing and ended up over-packing on things I never used and under-packing on the items I actually needed! This time, though, thankfully, I feel like I know what to expect a little more so when it comes to packing my hospital bag I am not as stressed about it!

Check out my Must-Haves list below and let me know if there is anything I should add! I am all about making the hospital stay as easy as possible... I mean, for goodness sakes... Having a baby is tough work! The least I can do for myself is make sure I am comfortable afterwards!

  • 1. Make-Up Wipes are an absolute must for after you've given birth, especially if you are planning on having a C-Section like me! Getting up and walking around is not the easiest thing to do so it is nice to be able to at least go to sleep with a clean face thanks to these wipes! 
  • 2. Fresh Sugar Chapstick is the bomb freaking dot com. (Do people even say that still?!) But for real, it is! In fact, even if you aren't about to stay in the hospital I recommend you go to your nearest Ulta or Sephora and get some for yourself! Your lips will thank you! 
  • 3. Hospital gowns are great and all for when you don't want to get your own clothes dirty but if you are planning on walking around (which you are) then you will quickly realize that unless you are wearing a robe, your bum will be plain as day for all to see! I recommend getting a dark robe to not only help conceal that lingering baby bump but also to help keep things covered if there happens to be leakage. 
  • 4. If you are planning on nursing then I highly recommend bringing a nursing pillow to the hospital with you! Just a tip- there really is no need to bring the pillow in with you when you first get to the hospital! Wait until after your baby is born and send Dad or another family member out to the car to get it! 
  • 5. Water. Water. And, more water. If you thought you needed to drink a lot of water while you were pregnant well, you ain't seen nothin yet! While nursing, it's so very important to drink as much water as you possibly can! One of the ways that I stay motivated is by having an oversized cute water bottle with me at all times! Just put that bad boy in your hospital bag and have your husband fill it up with ice chips (yum!) and water once you get admitted! 
  • 6. Nursing bras... some say they aren't necessary but I found them to be extremely helpful! Especially at the very beginning when you are still getting the hang of everything. One thing to keep in mind is that you DO NOT want any underwire. Trust me. Mastitis is a B...
  • 7. Although I didn't do my make-up fully while I was in the hospital it was still nice to have mascara and eyeliner to put on when I knew we would be having visitors! Do yourself a favor and remember to grab this before you head out the door. Better yet, go to Walgreens and buy a cheap mascara and eyeliner and just throw it in your bag so you know for sure that you'll have it! Also... that make-up bag! Beautiful.
  • 8. Along the same lines as number six... Nursing Tanks! I really couldn't have had enough of these for the first few weeks with Charlee. I lived in these things. Target sells them for fairly inexpensive and they are really comfortable! This would be a perfect thing to wear under your new robe!
  • 9. Snacks! You get hangry, I mean hungry, after labor! It's nice to have some bars, trail mix, candy... really anything in your room with you to munch on! Especially when 3am rolls around and you find yourself starving! #Don'taskmehowIknow
  • 10. One thing that I almost forgot was to pack my own towel. Sure, the hospital has some that you can use but I found it to be such a comfort to have my own soft towel with me after showering for the first time! 
  • 11. This may seem like an odd one to you at first glance because it definitely was to me! Compression socks- I never thought to bring them last time but after my feet and legs swelled up to what felt like to be actual tree trunks  I swore to myself that I would never forget these again!  
  • 12. One thing that I was so glad that I did last time was pack my favorite shampoo and conditioner, a good smelling body wash, and my favorite perfume! Of course, don't forget all your other toiletries but those were the ones that I was thankful I had! They made me feel a bit more normal after going a couple of days without being able to shower. 
  • 13. This one isn't on the list but I also will have loose pajama pants with me. Last time I was so concerned about my "Going Home" outfit that I forgot to pack extra-large sweatpants! Won't make that mistake again! The pants I did pack were too tight and just made me feel kind of blah. To be honest, my going home outfit this time will most likely be a nursing tank, some sort of jacket and leggings... Fancy. I know! 
  • 14. One more that isn't on the list but is equally important. Bring your own blanket and pillow! You really can't have enough pillows after labor and it's nice to be able to sleep with one that you know is comfortable. Same goes for blankets! Bring one that you like- you may use it or you may not but at least you have it in case you get cold! 
  • 15. Last but not least, don't forget phone chargers, computer chargers, camera and camera chargers!! You will want all of those things and will kick yourself if you forget them because, Pictures!!
I'll be back soon with Baby and Husband Hospital Bag Must-Haves! Can't forget about them too! 

Until then, happy packing! 
And as always, 

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