What's In Baby + Daddy's Hospital Bag?!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The other day I posted about what was in my Hospital Bag (you can read that post here) but for the sake of the post already being quite long I decided to save what is in Baby Levi's and Daddy's Hospital bag for another day! Like today!

The first time around with Charlee I packed wayyyyyy too much stuff for her! Seriously, I think half her closet was in our hospital bag... yikes! This time though, I know what is important to bring and what is provided (or should be provided) from the hospital! Which makes not only packing much easier, but also, the bag MUCH lighter! --- Make sure you check with your hospital before packing to ensure you will have all the supplies needed for your sweet new baby! ---

Keep on reading to find out the must-haves for our Daddy and Baby Hospital Bag!

  • 1. For Charlee I packed everything under the sun... literally. Dresses, Onesies, Pajamas, a Going Home Outfit, socks, mittens...etc. Guess how much I used?! Like 3 pairs of the pajamas. THIS time though, I am going to save myself the hassle and only pack onesie pajamas! The company MilkBarn has the cutest and softest little pajamas for newborns everrrrrr.  Seriously, I love them! I will have a few pairs of these in his bag at that pretty much will be it for clothes! 
  • 2. Baby hats are a must and although the hospital provides you with a newborn hat I love to bring my own that we can keep in the kids memory boxes for them to have when they're older! (Because everyone wants their baby hat, right?!) 
  • 3. Burp clothes... can't have enough of them! Especially those first few months of feeding your little one! I love these from Aden and Anais because they aren't massive but they are very soft and get the job done. They also fit perfectly over your shoulder! I will definitely bring one or two to the hospital just in case! :) 
  • 4. Again, Aden and Anais for the win... but, these swaddle blankets are WONDERFUL! They are so multi-functional and again, soon soft! 
  • 5. If you didn't know, right when babies are born their nails are SO sharp! In order to keep them from scratching themselves you will want to have some mittens to put on their little hands! I love these from Children's Place- so cute and gender neutral! They'd be perfect to keep for baby #2, #3 or #4! 
  • 6. On to Dad! For Lee I will pack about 3 outfit changes. Athletic shorts and t-shirts, a pair of jeans because it can get pretty chilly in a hospital and even a pair of sweats for nighttime! Don't forget any extra shoes that he may need- shower sandals? Tennis Shoes? The good thing is, is that if you do forget something hopefully he can just run home and grab it! 
  • 7. If your hubby is planning on spending the nights at the hospital with you then he will definitely want a pillow and blanket! Some hospitals only provide those things for the mom (crazzzzyyyyy if you ask me) but, even if they do provide them I am sure Dad will want the comfort of, at least, his own pillow!
  • 8. Another thing to not forget for Dad are his toiletries! One thing I did last time, and will do again this time, is just buy travel size versions of the products that he uses and place in his hospital bag! That way, when it's go time I won't have to think about grabbing my make-up bag PLUS his toiletry bag! I'm all about making things as easy as possible.
  • 9. This one goes without saying but don't forget the camera!! Even if the camera you are using is on a phone- clear space ahead of time, charge the batteries, buy an extra memory card...etc. Dealing with camera issues when you want to take a picture of the first time your baby yawns or sneezes or blinks, or... (okay, you get the point!) is not ideal. Either pack this in your bag or your husbands bag- but DO NOT FORGET THE CAMERA!
  • 10. Another great idea to pack for Dad is a zip up hoodie! Not only can it get pretty chilly in the hospital room but even more important than that is that Dad will want to do skin-to-skin with your new baby as well! The zip up hoodie helps keep the baby warm and in place... it's just a great thing to have just in case a blanket isn't cutting it! 
There your have it! All 3 of our Hospital Bag Must Haves! Like last time, let me know if you have any suggestions! I'd love to hear them!

As always,

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