Summer 2016 Bucket List

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Hey Friends!

Can you believe it's officially Summer?! Welcome all things pool, watermelon, ice-cream and air-conditioned! (For real though on that last one) Not sure if it's because I am 7 months pregnant or if it really is as hot as it seems but lately we have been trying to keep all of our activities indoors for the sake of Mommas feet and to push off the third trimester swelling for as longgggg as possible... Any pregnant mommas out there that can give me an Amen?!

Since Charlee was born in June of last year this is her first summer that she actually gets to experience all the greatness that Summer offers! Which truth be told, is probably more fun for us at this age because it is just so stinkin exciting and cute to see her little face light up at all the new activities! With this being her first and last summer of being an only child I really want to make it special for her- even if she won't remember any of it! So, in order to accomplish that I have put together a small bucket list for us to complete before her little brother arrives!

{Our 2016 Summer Bucket-List }
1. Go to the splash pad (since everyone in this household now walks!! Praise Hands!)
2. Have a family breakfast picnic at the park (breakfast in hopes to beat the heat)
3. Build a fort 
4. Draw on the sidewalk with chalk 
5. Go to the library- this one might be closer to the end of the summer when the term "indoor voices" is a bit more understood
6. Finger paint on the back porch
7. Have Lee and Charlee go on their first official Daddy-Daughter date
8. Run (okay, take a few steps and fall down) through the sprinklers
9. Get ice-cream as a family
10. Watch Fireworks!
Photo Credit: Gram
Here's to summers filled with sticky hands, loud giggles, long naps and great memories! :) 

Until next time,

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